Monday, October 18, 2010


It's easy to think that people and Christians in particular are hypocritical. I mean I'm a Christian, and I think other Christians are hypocritical. It's unfortunate that I think that, but it is the truth. (So maybe I'm not as bad as the next guy/gal, hahaha.)

As I pondered this conundrum, the hypocritical thinking others are hypocritical, I realized, "What if I'm not? And, what if they aren't" What if I am in those first steps of taking over the promised land of the new heart that the LORD has given me?

In the old testament when the Israelites took over the promised land, The Lord said that He would not give them the land all at once. It would be too much for them and they would be overtaken by the wild beasts. So they took portions of it over at a time.

What if what I call hypocritical is really just this process in me and in others called maturing? I've been thinking a certain way all my life. God begins to breath upon this sinful thought process. Now I see it everywhere. It really bothers me. I don't like it in the next guy, and I definitely don't like it in me. But my thought patterns haven't changed yet, even with my new belief in the truth. So I fight with judgement upon others and myself thus sounding hypocritical to me and others. But wait, I'm not. I just don't agree anymore and my actions haven't lined up, yet. They will. I will mature into the new belief/truth because Jesus made the way. He will complete this good work in me.

Maybe we're not so hypocritical as we all think we are.

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